We choose great technologies
to create modern living
About :
“Bluestone Co., Ltd” was established in 1997. Started the business as an exclusive distributor for reputable European company Phoenix Contact, SIBA, TELE, and Iskra. With experience in electrical engineering for over 27 years, the company assuredly delivers quality products and services to the customers, consistent with the company’s motto, “Quality You Can Trust”
Popular Products
Energy Management System
Responsive charging current to the total current in the circuit
Web application for configuration
Maximum current setting
Initial current threshold setting
Can set up priority for EV chargers up to 3 levels
Communicating with up to 20 EV chargers
Read our news
Company Visit for Electrical Engineering Students from Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus
Company Visit for Electrical Engineering Students from Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus On December 19, 2024, Bluestone hosted a visit for Electrical Engineering students
Revealing Bluestone EV charger story and production with AMazing show
We are excited to introduce the Bluestone EV charger story and production in the AMazing show. This episode covers the background of how we conceptualised the Bluestone EV charger,
Bluestone EV Charger has received the MiT (Made in Thailand) certificate
Bluestone EV charger has received Made in Thailand (MIT) certificate, which confirms that the product is manufactured in Thailand and complies with Thai industry standards.